where i can be who i want !.

الاثنين، 21 مارس 2016


I born in a normal country where they taught us to pray to the god, and the god will reward us if we prayed, it's really ironic how i believed , and continued to believe endlessly till i realized that i am wrong,I said to my self, I pray to the god always , in the night and in the morning , And in each second, Hopefully something will be changed, sadly hopefulness turned to depression , at least depression directed me to reality , And now i can see everything clearer , i still believe in god, But not anymore in religions , "God" is a concept created by humans in order to satisfy the equation of not being be able to figure out who did make us?
yes , god is a concept, maybe we are just in matrix and we are in endless dream ?, maybe we are an experiment by another creatures, just like how we do experiments on animals , animals don't realize it, yet live normally , it's still a theory , no more no less , sadly
The question is , do you really see what you see? are we real ? , nobody knows...


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